
CheckAlt's Weekly Update: July 17, 2020

This week CheckAlt unveiled its partnership with credit union services organization Tru Treasury—an alliance that will support credit unions in expanding services and attracting more corporate members. I am delighted to have the strength of our credit union team collaborate with Tru Treasury and help level the playing field for credit unions, making their services more attractive to commercial, public, and non-profit membership. The announcement was picked up by PYMNTS, which you can read here.

In a blog post we published this week, Rob Snyder expressed the value of our partnership with RMS to healthcare providers across the U.S., specifically exploring how automation of healthcare provider claims has the potential to create $9.9 billion in annual savings for the industry. The potential impact of our solutions on longstanding challenges in not only the healthcare industry but across various industry verticals is significant by design.

Each day we remain steadfast toward our strategy and focus on checks, Catch! (online bill pay), and cards, which has allowed CheckAlt to serve as the house of payments for hundreds of banks, credit unions, and businesses seeking to accelerate cash flow and streamline reconciliation.

CheckAlt continues to operate at full capacity and work through external challenges including coordination around postal delays. As I shared earlier this week on LinkedIn, our clients benefit from CheckAlt working directly with USPS to resolve issues and keep payments flowing. Moreover, CheckAlt has been seeing an uptick in clients choosing solutions that help transition traditionally paper payments to electronic, circumventing postal delivery altogether. This is very exciting, and I am eternally grateful for the results of CheckAlt's commitment to our strategy.

Stay healthy and safe!
Shai Stern

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